Ever do the weird thing of asking someone how are things financially? You will always get the response, " I am alright", regardless of whether the person is doing well or not. It is also the same answer an individual gives regarding their mental health regardless of the status.
The only time one ever gets to know about someone else’s mental health or financial health is if it is being showcased, either by choice or due to simple causality and observance.
The Progression Vector of an individual is reflective of the mentality that they bear for Life.
There is a strong relation between the Financial and the Mental Health of an individual, allow me to explain: If one were to graph their progress in Life on both these parameters separately, one would expect troughs and peaks and hopefully upward progression. If both of the mentioned parameters are charted as co-ordinates on an x/y axis, it may or not result in a clear co-relation because the truth is that financial status has little to no bearing on one’s mental health but rather is a reflection of the mentality that an individual might bear for LIFE. The only direct co-relation that can be observed and attested to, is a simple fact that Mental Health Recovery has an acute relationship with one’s Financial Health.
At a certain income level the relationship between Mental Health Recovery and Financial Health plateaus
the image is property of THE ONE PLATFORM.
The leaner your Financial Health, the harder is the road to mental healing because your options to obtain Mental Health services or indulge in endeavors that might aid Mental Healing are limited or constricted. As crude as it sounds, we live in a world where it is cheaper to numb one’s mind into escapism than to find a therapist OR heck take a vacation OR even a gym membership.
Apart from the obvious conclusion that there needs to be better Mental Health Care access it begs the question that even if that were to be made available would it truly lead to sustained Mental Healing?
With the access of online therapists, self-diagnostic tools available on the internet (not recommended) and a plethora of online influencers suggesting new strategies towards keeping mentally and physically fit, it is easy to overlook the simple fact that Mental Healing is a very complex and individualistic process. What works for one may not necessarily work for another.
The contrary is equally true when it comes to Financial Healing. There are only a few fundamentals that one has to follow when pursuing the path of Financial Health. Individual portfolios can be adjusted and tweaked to meet future requirements however the strategies do not need to be completely personalized in order to achieve the results required in order to considered Financially stable.
One of the few things that might be considered as fundamentals of Financial Health is
Spending Mentality OR Income vs Expenditure
Safety Nets OR Investments/Savings
And the most important one in my opinion
Follow the passion OR Passive Income Strategy.
The mentality with which you approach Life especially your spending habits play a crucial role in your progression vector for Life.
What do I mean by that?
A Rich Man’s Spending Mentality would go somewhat like this,
Spending on WANTS rather than on NEEDS
Financial Budget discipline is not a Requirement.
Popularity takes higher order against credibility.
You get the idea. So the next time you sit down to focus on your Spiritual, Mental and Physical Growth, do not forget to incorporate an important factor in there, your Financial Growth because your Mental Health is dependent on it.
This is not to say that Mental Health should be compromised in the face of financial gains but rather to indicate the need to be BALANCED in all aspects of your LIFE.